Another great session amongst agile friends here in the CBD of CBR. We now have King O’s permanently booked for every other Monday. Here were the topics this week (with topics actually discussed in bold):
- Trump won. What next?
- When is it not a good time to use agile?
- How much of an idea do you need to secure funding/investment?
- Agile versus Design
- Role of a non-tech person in an agile team?
- Product Architect job description. What would it say?
- The Leader Stance – Command and Control, Democratic, Visionary, Consensus
- Herding a PO
- Visionary vision statements
- Analyzing motivations
- Wrapping up an agile project

It’s getting to that time of year in the CBR, school holidays. Pretty soon it will be a ghost town. But Lean Coffee will still be going strong with the people we have. The people that are meant to be there, are there. ThanksĀ Harrison Owen!