Mar 27 session – top hit = “Agile” versus “Scrum”

We have returned to our usual haunt of King O’s. eWAY provided more swag this week and covered the bar tab. Many thanks to out sponsor! OK, topics are below, the topics we actually discussed in bold:

  1. “Agile” versus “Scrum”
  2. Agile games
  3. Agile certification – what’s worth getting?
  4. What book should I read next?
  5. What, if any, agile techniques or concepts can be used for employee engagement or motivation?
  6. Amazon impact zone
  7. Store 2.0
  8. Agile testing/CD – what happens when there are unacceptable faults in a product, but a delivery to a customer is imminent?
  9. SAFe? At any speed?


Our new Belconnen meetup is also doing well, Shoaib is leading that charge, and doing a great job.

See you all next time!